In the Design Studio: Meet Stevie
Quinn Stinson
Make an appointment with Stevie by emailing
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501 North 9th Avenue
Pensacola, FL, 32501
United States
Welcome to duh for garden and home. Our store, located in Pensacola, Florida, offers an eclectic collection of furniture, home accessories and found objects from all over the world. Our collections emphasize texture/pattern and natural design elements from a mixture of cultures and eras. Our belief is this defines today's way of living in a comfortable, relaxed style with an elegant presence.
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Make an appointment with Stevie by emailing
1. What is your favorite quote from a book or movie?
Wuthering Heights, by Emile Bronte. Catherine about Heathcliff:
"Whatever our souls are made out of, his and mine are the same".
2. What is the personality trait you most admire in a human being?
3. What is your favorite product at Duh?
Santa Maria Novella
4. Who is your favorite musician dead or alive?
Florence and the Machine
5. What is one interesting fact we don't know about you?
I am a very sweet person, but I have a dark side that people usually do not see...
ask my husband and my kids!!!
Meet Curtis Black. His humor and quick wit are two of his strengths always inviting you in with a warm and welcoming smile. Past clients say his personable communication and clarity in which he defines the process is an asset when starting a new build or simply refreshing a space. When you create with Curtis, you discover his passion for design and understanding of nuance like no other.
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All geometric patterns together
All the same scale pattern
All the same material (we like to mix velvet, linen, wovens, fur, etc. to create texture)
The Mission of Cisco Brothers:
Cisco strives to create high-quality, comfortable, beautiful furniture, while honoring and protecting our planet and our families. We take every step to ensure that all of our products benefit our customers and our environment in as many ways as possible. Every aspect of the construction, sourcing, design and shipping is researched and taken into consideration when we introduce a new product. By using Natural Latex, organic wool, goose feathers and down, and properly stained FSC woods, Cisco offers the peace of mind that the furniture you own is not only the best looking and feeling, but the best for your health and family.
Photo Credit: Cisco Brothers
“Throw all your preconceived notions about eco-friendly design out the window. Sustainable materials and building methods have come a long way since the early days of planet-conscious practices. “Since the company’s inception, we have been creating furniture that is as healthy for our customers as it is for the planet,” says founder of Cisco Home, Cisco Pinedo. “We believe that health, happiness and one’s home are inextricably linked.” The company also strives to keep production local, working with master artisans such as Conan Castillo, who creates beautifully crafted pieces from such found objects as old factory conveyor belts and vintage trunks.” - Luxe Daily
Photo Credit: Cisco Brothers
Contact us today for more information on our assortment of Cisco Brothers Furniture. #madeinLA
bamboo & wool