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501 North 9th Avenue
Pensacola, FL, 32501
United States


Welcome to duh for garden and home. Our store, located in Pensacola, Florida, offers an eclectic collection of furniture, home accessories and found objects from all over the world. Our collections emphasize texture/pattern and natural design elements from a mixture of cultures and eras. Our belief is this defines today's way of living in a comfortable, relaxed style with an elegant presence.


The Men's Shop


The Men’s Shop at Duh sits at the center of our Lifestyle Store. We carry coveted brands that meet our exponentially high standards for quality, practicality and comfort. The boutique style lends to an exclusive selection of the latest trends and limited products. Whether you’re getting ready to suit up or dressing down, you will find what you are looking for and more in The Men’s Shop at Duh.


Barbour, Billy Reid, Filson, Howler Bros, johnnie-O, Mizzen+Main, Mavi, Rodd & Gunn, Vuori, W. Kleinberg


Hari Mari, johnnie-O, Rodd & Gunn

Jack Black

Grooming & Accessories

Royall Fragrances, Jack Black, Shinola, Filson